What is Overpopulation: Causes and Effects of Overpopulation



The increase in population more than the available resources can support refers to overpopulation.

What do we mean by overpopulation and what are its causes and impacts?


When there is a state of balance between the population and the available resources, it is known as the optimum population. This balance gets disturbed when the number of people increases or decreases in comparison to the availability of resources.


Overpopulation refers to the increase in population more than the available natural resources to support it. It is an undesirable condition of having a dense population which causes environmental deterioration.


China, India, United States, Indonesia, Brazil, Pakistan, Nigeria, Bangladesh, Russia, and Japan are the ten countries with the largest population in the world. Overpopulated countries should not be confused with those having the highest population.


Do you know, which factors determine the overpopulation index?


Total population, land area, food production, water resources, and the total area under cultivation are all considered for determining the overpopulation index.


China and India are the top two countries in terms of the total population in the world but they are not ranked at the top in the index of overpopulation. Countries of Europe and the Middle East are among the top 20 overpopulated counties while the United Kingdom lies at 17thposition.


Causes of Overpopulation


Let�s have a look at the causes of overpopulation.


The decline in the death rate: If the number of births each year becomes equal to the number of deaths, then the population will stabilize. The discovery of agriculture created an imbalance between birth and death rates as people could sustain their nutrition without hunting.


Better medical facilities: With the advancement of technology, better medical facilities could be provided and a large number of diseases could be cured. Better methods of producing food helped in the survival of more people creating the imbalance and initiating overpopulation.

More Hands to Overcome Poverty: In earlier times, there were few people with enough money. Families facing poverty require more hands to work and earn their living which causes overpopulation.


Advancement in Fertility Treatment: With the advancement in technology, couples can undergo fertility treatments to conceive and have their own babies. This is another cause of overpopulation.

Lack of family planning: Uneducated people or people living below the poverty line do not have much idea about family planning. They do not understand the effects of overpopulation and thus avoid taking steps to control the population.


Effects of Overpopulation


Let�s find out how overpopulation affects the country.


Pressure on existing resources: With the increase in the human population, there is pressure on the available natural resources. With the passage of time, the limited amount of resources falls short of the current needs which will result in a decline in the quality of life.


Shortage of basic necessities: The basic amenities like food, water, shelter, health care, and educational facilities fall short for the overpopulated countries. The standard of living declines as the poor people adopt poor living conditions for survival.


Rise in unemployment: Increased population requires more job opportunities which cannot be created with a limited amount of resources. The competition in the market to grab these jobs increases and thus unemployment increases. The rise in unemployment causes more crime, conflicts, and violence.


Destruction of natural habitats of animals: Increase in population requires more land for cultivation and houses. It leads to the destruction of natural habitats of animals and plants leading to their extinction.

Increased use of energy resources: With the increase in population, more goods are produced by industries that require more vehicles. The use of more vehicles means increased use of energy resources like coal, petroleum, and natural gas. This causes an increase in greenhouse gas emissions and thus results in global warming.


Increase in human diseases: Along with overpopulation comes more number of diseases. As the living style of people declines, it causes more infectious diseases.

Increase in cost of living: Increased demand for resources raises the price of commodities. Thus, it increases the cost of living.




1. Which country is at the 17th position as per the index of overpopulation?
a) India
b) Indonesia
c) China
d) The United Kingdom


2. Which of the following countries is not among the top ten countries with the largest population in the world?
a) Brazil
b) Nigeria
c) Bangladesh
d) Afghanistan


3. Which of the following is not the impact of overpopulation?
a) Increase in human diseases
b) Depleting natural resources
c) Shortage of basic amenities
d) Decrease in cost of living


4. Which of the following causes overpopulation?
a) Poor medical facilities
b) Good family planning
c) Fewer people to overcome poverty
d) Advancement in the fertility treatment


5. Overpopulation means:
a) Population increase with no natural resources left
b) Increase in population with an increase in available natural resources
c) Decrease in population in comparison to the available natural resources
d) Increase in population more than the available natural resources


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Underpopulation: Causes, Problems and Effects of Underpopulation

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