What is Good Friday: History, Importance and Interesting Facts

Good Friday is a day of remembrance for the crucifixion of Jesus. Karfreitag, or "Sorrowful Friday," is the German name for the day. In Spain, Good Friday is known as Viernes Santo, which means "Holy or Sacred Friday."

Good Friday commemorates the crucifixion of Lord Jesus Christ. Easter commemorates the resurrection of Jesus three days after his crucifixion.

It is thought that when Jesus died, he carried all of the world's sins with him and that as a result of his sacrifice, people are redeemed and can go to heaven after death. Jesus' crucifixion and death represent his sacrifice and redemption for all sins.

Holy Friday, Great Friday, Black Friday, and Easter Friday are all variations of Good Friday. It is one of the major Christian festivals celebrated around the world.


According to the Gospel, one of Jesus' disciples, Judas Iscariot, betrayed him. Because he declared himself to be the son of God, Jesus Christ was imprisoned and found guilty of blasphemy. According to the Bible, Christ was sentenced to death and forced to carry the cross on which he would later be crucified. Jesus Christ was nailed on the cross by his feet and wrists after being beaten cruelly and remained there until he died.

Importance of Good Friday

For Christians, Good Friday has a lot of meaning. It is thought that Jesus Christ gave his life in order for people to be able to move forward on the path of salvation. As a result, the day is honored to commemorate Christ's sacrifices. On this day, people seek forgiveness for their sins.


There is no other Christian celebration or holiday like Good Friday. People go to church for prayers and mass, and many of them fast and practice repentance. After 3 p.m., many churches around the world drape themselves in a black cloth, which is considered to be the time when Christ was crucified.

Good Friday Facts

1. The Roman Catholic Church considers Good Friday to be a fasting day, although according to the Church's Latin customs, once a full meal (though it is less than a typical meal, and fish is often eaten instead of meat) and two hors d'oeuvres are eaten on this day. Work is frequently halted for a few hours after 3 p.m. in nations where Good Friday is not a holiday.

2. Christians observe the day by attending church and remembering the Lord Jesus. The church bell is not rung on this day; instead, a sound is made with a wooden knock. Kissing the cross, which represents the Lord Jesus Christ, is a popular way for people to remember God. Christians all throughout the world donate on Good Friday to help the church's social efforts.

3. According to the Baltimore Catechism, Good Friday is called Good because after his death, Jesus Christ rose from the dead and declared, "O man, I am with you forever, and my goal is to accomplish good for you." In this context, "good" means "holy." As a result, it's also known as Holy Friday, Black Friday, or Great Friday.

4. Countries such as Bermuda, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Peru, Philippines, Mexico, Venezuela, the Caribbean, Germany, Malta, Australia, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom, where Christian traditions are strictly adhered to, Easter Friday is observed as a public or federal holiday.

5. Several shops in English-speaking nations, such as Singapore, are closed on Easter Friday. Additionally, some commercials are excluded from broadcasts on television and radio.

6. Ireland is largely a Catholic country, with all sorts of alcohol sales forbidden on Easter Friday. On the other hand, in Germany, performances in theatres, including public dance, are prohibited on Good Friday.

7. In India, in addition to the national holiday, there is a state holiday and the capital exchanges are closed on Good Friday. Many other businesses are closed on Easter Friday in some states, such as Assam, Goa, and Kerala, where the Christian community is high while not being a majority. Most companies are open in the rest of the country.

8. Eastern Orthodox Christians observe a strict fast on Good Friday and the next day, whilst Roman Catholics observe a strict fast and eat very little food on this day. On this day, hot sweet chapattis are eaten in a number of English-speaking countries.

9. On Easter Friday, kites are flown in Bermuda. Wood, colored tissue paper, glue, and thread are frequently used to make these kites. These kites' shapes and wood are meant to represent the cross on which Jesus died. Furthermore, kites flying through the sky represent their passage to heaven.

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