What is Dictatorship? Characteristics of Dictatorship - Class 10

What is Dictatorship?


Dictatorship means rule by one individual or by one party. The will of the people is not considered and all the decisions are taken solely by one person or one party. Dictatorship means every person has to obey the laws made by one person or his party. People are not allowed to disagree with any policies of the government.


Dictatorship means "rule by a few". A particular individual has large powers in the government and exercises his own will while taking the decisions.


Dictatorship has the following characteristics:


1. No Genuine Constitution.


The dictators do not consider constitutional rights and assume mi �e powers in the government. There is no freedom of speech and expression. People are not supposed to disagree with the government. All the decisions are taken by a. few powerful individuals and everybody is expected to follow them.


2. Monopolization of Power.


In a dictatorship, all the powers are vested in a single person or in a group of people. They direct all the policies and programs for society. Views, interests, and opinions of the masses are not, generally considered.


3. Complete Control over the Propaganda Machinery.


Dictators do not allow mass media to discuss ideas that would go against the government. They allow no freedom of speech, expression, thought and strict censorship is exercised over the media.

Read More: Characteristics of Democracy: Outcomes of Democracy - Class 10

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