What Is Constitution of India? Role Of Constitution - Class 8 Notes

A constitution is a very important document. It is a set of basic rules. Our constitution gives us guidelines on how the government is formed, the leaders are elected, laws be made and executed and disputes settled. It tells us what powers various offices should possess. It contains our national goals such as Democracy, Secularism, and Socialism. These goals are kept in mind while framing laws. The Constitution also lists the rights and duties of citizens of our country.


Adoption of our constitution


Our constitution is a landmark in our independence from the British. Lord Mountbatten, was the last British Viceroy to India. Later, Shri C Rajagopalachari or Rajaji was appointed as the First Indian Governor-general. Once the Indian Constitution was adopted, the chairperson of the Constituent Assembly, Dr. Rajendra Prasad was elected as the First President Of Independent India.


On 26 November 1949, the Indian Constitution was formally passed by the Constituent Assembly. However, it fully came into force on 26 January 1950. There was a reason behind choosing this specific date. In the Lahore session, Congress had pledged to fight for �Poorna Swaraj� or �Complete Independence�. In the same session, it was also decided that 26 January 1930, would be celebrated as a day of �Complete Independence�. Consequently, our Constitution was adopted on this date, and India was declared a Sovereign, democratic, Republic. Later the words Socialists and Secular were added to it. Thus we celebrate 26 January as our Republic Day every year.


Our Constitution contains the dreams and hopes of our founding fathers for a free and prosperous nation. It is our duty to respect it. India has a written Constitution. The framers of our Constitution gathered the best features of each of the existing Constitutions.


These features were modified in order to be adapted to the existing conditions and needs of our country. For example, the Constituent Assembly framed the chapter on Fundamental Rights upon the model of the American Constitution. It adopted the Parliamentary system of government from the Constitution of Eire and so on.


The Constitution of India is remarkable for its many outstanding features. These features distinguish it from the other Constitutions even though most of its provisions are borrowed from others.


Role Of Constitution


A rule is an established principle, standard, or guide for action. Following rules make our lives easier. For example, while driving or walking on the road, we must follow the traffic rules. If we do not follow these rules we can meet with serious accidents. Similarly, there are rules according to which a country is governed.


A constitution consists of these basic rules. These rules may be written or unwritten. A constitution is the system of fundamental principles according to which a nation, state, corporation, or the like is governed or is a document containing these principles. It is a very important document. The constitution of a country is the fundamental law of the country. All laws must be in accordance with the laid down principles in the constitution. Laws are necessary to maintain order in society.

Read More: Key Features of Indian Constitution: The Indian Constitution and Secularism

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