Second Anglo Maratha War (1803-1806): Anglo Maratha War II

In this blog, let us learn about the Second Anglo Maratha War.


Second Anglo Maratha War (1803-1806):


The war was fought when Lord Wellesley was the Governor-General of India. The defeat of the Peshwa Baji Rao II by the Holkars was the main cause of the second Maratha war. As a result, In 1803, Baji Rao II signed with the East India Company a subsidiary alliance, known as the Treaty of Bassein.

The other Maratha rulers such as the Gwalior's Scindia rulers and the Bhonsle rulers of Nagpur and Berar did not accept this and they wanted to fight against the British. As a result, the second Anglo-Maratha war broke out in Central India in 1803.


Three major treaties were signed between the Maratha Empire and the British Empire after this war, in which the British got back many of the Indian territories. These treaties were the Treaty of Deogaon (1803), Treaty of Surji-Anjangaon (1803), and Treaty of Rajghat (1805).


Results of the Second Anglo-Maratha War

1. The British vanquished all of the Maratha armies in these conflicts.


2. In 1803 the Scindias signed the Treaty of Surji-Anjangaon, giving the British the lands of Rohtak, the Ganga-Yamuna Doab, Gurgaon, the Delhi-Agra region, Broach, several Gujarat districts, parts of Bundelkhand, and the fort of Ahmadnagar.


3. In 1803 the Bhonsles signed the Treaty of Deogaon, which gave the English Cuttack, Balasore, and the region west of the Wardha River.


4. In 1805, the Holkars signed the Treaty of Rajghat, handing out Tonk, Bundi, and Rampura to the British.


5. Huge areas of central India fell under British control as a result of the war.


What happened in the Second Anglo-Maratha War?

Baji Rao II enlisted the help of the British and signed the Treaty of Bassein with them. He gave the territory to the British and agreed to the presence of British troops in the area as part of this pact. This treaty was rejected by the Scindias and Bhonsles, resulting in the second Anglo-Maratha war in central India in 1803.

What is the reason for Second Anglo-Maratha War?

The defeat of the peshwa Baji Rao II by the Holkars, one of the principal Maratha clans, was the main cause of the second Maratha war, as a result of which he accepted British protection by signing the Treaty of Bassein in December 1802.

Who fought the Second Anglo-Maratha War?

The Second Anglo-Maratha War (1803�1805) was fought in India between the British East India Company and the Maratha Empirical Government.


Read More:
First Anglo Maratha War (1775-1782): Balaji Baji Rao - Class 8

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