Practical Exams |17 Tips to Study & Prepare for Practical Examination!


Most of you have started with your revisions as the board examinations are approaching. But, have you prepared well for your practical ones? We often tend to overlook and ignore these examinations. However, contrary to popular beliefs, practical exams are as important as theoretical ones. Why? The students, through the practice exams, have the best opportunity to score the best marks. But, remember, these practical exams demand a lot of skills in various areas, in which you might not have prior experience. While applying practical knowledge helps in the development of confidence, however, it is not an easy task for all the students.


Although the practical examinations differ according to subjects, yet there are some common practices. In this article, we have provided some tips and suggestions that would surely help the students in preparing effectively for the practical examinations.


1. Attend All The Classes


It is of utmost importance that you attend all the practical classes conducted by your school. Why? In the practical examination conducted by the board, you need to show one of the experiments that you will learn in the class during the entire year.


2. Concept Behind the Specific Experiment


Read the questions in your practical book carefully and thoroughly. This will help you in understanding the principle that works behind the particular experiment. If you are aware of the concepts of all the experiments taught in the class, performing during the examination is not a difficult one.


3. Pay Attention to the Theory Classes


Practical experiments are an extension of the theory classes. Hence, you must study and be prepared to apply the theoretical knowledge that you acquired during the course of study.


4. Inform Your Department About the Learning Difficulties


Inform your teachers and demonstrators if you have any doubts or face any kind of learning difficulties. Also, inform them if you require any sort of additional support. Your school is obliged to consider these and provide effective solutions and facilities as and when required. Some of the most common arrangements include the provision of scribes, allow students to take the test on a computer, and allow extra time in learning the experiments.


5. Make Notes


Most of the laboratory manuals mention some of the precautions that every student needs to undertake while conducting an experiment. Make sure that you learn them and write them in the form of notes in a notebook. Most often, the examiner asks these. Moreover, knowing the precautions will prevent you from causing any disaster.


6. Know the Paper Pattern


If you are aware of the pattern of the practical paper of the subject, it will become easier for you to study and write down the experiments.


7. Learn the Procedure to Conduct the Experiment


While you are learning in the school, make a series of steps in the way the demonstrator conducted the experiment. Different experiments follow different procedures. You must be aware of how to conduct a particular experiment and the apparatus required for the experiment.


8. Never Cram the Readings


Because different apparatuses have different specifications, setting the readings obtained during the exams might be different from those taken during the class. It is better to clear the basics of the subjects rather than cramming the results.


9. Follow the Diagrams and Charts


Always visualize and draw rough diagrams for preparing the experiments. While conducting the experiments of Physics, you need to learn and remember the circuit diagrams. Moreover, you also need to remember all the different terminals connected to each other. During the examination, the examiner resets all the apparatus settings to check whether it was present or to reconstruct the entire setting.


10. Practice the Concepts


Due to the lack of apparatus in your home, you might not get a chance to conduct the experiments at home. Practice each of the concepts and topics twice before the board practical examination. Also, practice correct techniques and safety procedures, for which you might need to read the lab manuals several times.


11. Think Smart and Measure Accurately


Practical exams are all about being sharp and quick in performing actions. Thinking smart involves doing the right things at the right time and being aware of all the rights and wrong actions. Measure the chemicals accurately during the practical classes, which further helps you in achieving the desired result during the board practical examinations.


12. Sharpen Your Senses


When you are practicing the chemical practical lessons in the class, you get a fair idea about the smells and colors of the different solvents and salts. This will help you in identifying and distinguishing the different compounds used easily during the experiments.


13. Be Confident During the Examination


As a student, you need to be confident whatever the examiners ask to perform during a practical exam. During the exam, all you need to do is to remain calm and record the entire procedure so that you can answer the oral questions during the exams.


14. Have a Backup Plan


Try to complete all the experimental procedures within the allotted time and always have a backup plan for every procedure. Ensure that your backup plan does not consume much of your time. It is better to prepare two plans depending on the availability of time.


15. Relax and Concentrate During the Exam


While you are in the examination hall, relax and try to concentrate on the given topic. You might get the topic that you might have to write. Prepare well from the theory books.


16. Do not Get Tensed


Do not get tense during the exam. Also, never forget to read the instructions and ensure to perform as requested by the examiner. You should be able to explain the minute steps associated with the experimental procedure. Let the examiner know if you do not know any answer instead of answering wrong.


17. Read the Questions and Choose Wisely


Most often the students pounce on the first question and they start to answer. You need to read the paper carefully and plan accordingly. Discover whether any other question is easier than the one you choose. Plan your answer first and then start answering. Try not to spend two-thirds of time answering a question, which you can easily complete in one-third of the time.


Most of the students panic during the board practical examinations; however, with the above tips, you can stride well in the practical exams and score better marks.


Read more: CBSE Board Exam Preparation Strategies: 20 Toppers Study Tips!


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