Mauryan Administration: Army, Occupation, Taxation, Trade and Society

The Mauryan Administration


The Mauryan empire was divided into four provinces with the imperial capital at Pataliputra. An espionage (spy) system was evolved to keep a complete vigil over the entire Mauryan administration.


Provincial and Local Administration

The head of the provincial administration was the Kumara who governed the province as the King�s representative.


Two books Indika by Megasthenes and Arthashastra by Kautilya were the main sources of information about the Mauryan Administration. The Mauryan empire was divided into four provinces with the imperial capital at Pataliputra. Patlaliputra was also the capital city of the Ashokan Empire. It was a walled city having 64 gates and 570 watch-towers.


Do you know, what were these four provinces?


From Ashokan edicts, the name of the four provincial capitals was �


  1. Tosali (in the east)
  2. Ujjain (in the west)
  3. Suvarnagiri (in the south)
  4. Taxila (in the north)


Each province had a governor and they were further divided into districts which were looked at by a number of officials.


Do you know, who was the head of the provincial administration?


The head of the provincial administration was the Kumara (the royal prince), who governed the province as the king�s representative.


Army, Spy system, Taxation, Trade, and Society

The revenue system of the Mauryan empire was devised by Kautilya. Land revenue was the main source of income.


Army in Mauryan Administration


Like the most ancient Indian armies, the Mauryan Army had 4 types of troops � elephants (Gaja), chariots (Ratha), cavalry (Turanga), and infantry (foot soldiers). The army was broken into many units and there were a number of boards that looked after every wing of the army.


Spy system in Mauryan Administration


The Mauryan maintained a spy system. An espionage (spy) system was evolved to keep a complete vigil over the entire administration. They kept the king informed about the happenings in the kingdom.


Taxation in Mauryan Administration


Do you know, who devised the revenue system in the Mauryan Empire?


The revenue system of the Mauryan empire was devised by Kautilya. Land revenue was the main source of income and the other sources of taxation were forests, mines, customs, trade, and crafts.

This taxation system helped the government to further develop the kingdom by using this money to pay salaries, maintain armies, and for the welfare of the society.


Occupation and Trade in Mauryan Administration


Let�s learn about the main occupation and trading cities during the Mauryan period.


The main occupation of the people was agriculture. Farmers were encouraged to bring more land under cultivation. Cultivators formed a majority of the population. The Mauryan Empire�s political unity and internal peace encouraged the expansion of trade in India.


During the Mauryan Empire, India had trade relations with Sri Lanka, Egypt, and Greece while the important trading cities were Pataliputra, Takshshila, and Ujjayani.


Society in Mauryan Administration


Megasthenes had described Pataliputra (the capital of Mauryas) as a beautiful city. He writes that people were very honest and their normal standard was very high. The caste system was prevalent.


He writes that the slavery system was not known during that period but in Arthashastra, Kautilya mentions the existence of a slavery system where the slaves were employed in agriculture.


Mauryan Administration - MCQs


1. Which book mentions the existence of slavery during the Mauryan Period?
a) Indika
b) Arthashastra
c) Brahmanas
d) Rig Veda


2. What was the major source of income during the Mauryan Period?
a) Land revenue
b) Rent revenue
c) Water revenue
d) Sales revenue


3. Which one of the following was not the part of Mauryan army?
a) Chariots
b) Horse soldiers
c) Infantry
d) Camel soldiers


4. What does infantry mean?
a) Foot soldiers
b) Camel soldiers
c) Horse soldiers
d) Elephant soldiers


6. Who was the author of the book �Arthashastra�?
a) Ashoka
b) Chandragupta
c) Megasthenes
d) Kautilya


Read More: Chandragupta Maurya and Chanakya - The Rise Of Mauryan Empire

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