Causes of Industrial Revolution: 10 Factors That Led To Revolution

The Industrial Revolution first began in England due to the inventive genius of the English people, a peaceful atmosphere, an increase in demand for England's products, and many more. In this blog, we will learn the main causes of industrial revolution.

Do you know what is Industrial Revolution?

Industrial Revolution is the name given to a series of changes that brought about a transition from production by hand to production by machine, from small-scale production to large-scale production, from handmade goods to machine-made goods.

Causes of Industrial Revolution

What were the causes of Industrial Revolution?

The Industrial Revolution began in Great Britain in the second half of the eighteenth century. Let us discuss the main causes of Industrial Revolution.

1. Increase in the Demand for English Goods

England produced cheap and useful goods like woolen and linen cloth and wooden and iron articles. The demand for goods kept on increasing which required new machines and new techniques for production.

2. Do you know, why was the demand for European goods limited?

European countries produced goods for the rich and for the same reason, the demand for their goods was limited.

3. Ample Capital

England had ample capital for large enterprises. England's naval power and supremacy greatly encouraged sea trade and commerce. There was a lot of capital in the country which could be used for developing industries.

4. Peaceful Atmosphere

How did the peaceful atmosphere become a cause of the industrial revolution?

There was political and social stability in England. The people were patriotic and had a love for peace and order. The Whig leaders, like Walpole, followed a policy of peace, avoided European wars, and saved England. This peaceful atmosphere helped develop industries on a large scale.

5. Naval Supremacy

The English naval supremacy was quite helpful in developing industries, transporting articles to different parts of the world. Profit was earned and the navy also helped England to prevent European rivals from exploiting the overseas market.

6. Colonial Empire

England had a colonial empire. It could get required raw materials from colonies at cheaper rates. European countries like France, Spain, and Holland could only get it from their markets so it was quite difficult for them to compete with England.

7. Availability of Coal and Iron

Coal and iron mines were located close to each other and they could be easily used for the industries and their development.

8. Availability of Cheap Labour

Do you know, which movements were there before the Industrial Revolution?

The Agrarian Revolution and the Enclosure Movement preceded the Industrial Revolution. A large number of peasants were unemployed and moved to industrial cities.

So there was easy availability of cheap labor for the factories. They could easily move to a different place. On the other hand, France was still an agricultural country and peasants had to work under their masters without moving to a different place.

9. Immigration of Artisans

Many artisans from Spain and France migrated to England and settled permanently. They used their skills that were of great help to the industries in England.

10. Napoleonic Wars

The Napoleonic Wars completely disrupted many European countries. England remained undisturbed and carried on her economic activities. England brought raw materials from different colonies and sold her manufactured goods.

European countries were forced to smuggle English goods in any way possible. The Napoleonic wars gave great impetus to them instead of running English trade and commerce.

Causes of Industrial Revolution FAQs


1. The demand for English goods increased because they were:
a) Good-quality expensive goods.
b) Cheap goods.
c) Good-quality goods.
d) Good-quality, cheap goods.

2. From which country, did artisans move to England for settlement?
a) USA and Canada
b) Belgium and Sweden
c) Ireland and Spain
d) Spain and France

3. From where did England get raw materials?
a) From Holland
b) From France
c) From their home
d) From their home and colonies

4. The Napoleonic Wars completely disrupted many _________ countries.
a) Australian
b) Indian
c) English
d) European

5. __________ had ample capital for large enterprises.
a) Belgium
b) Italy
c) France
d) England

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