Abbasid Dynasty: Explanation, Culture and More - Islamic Civilizations

The Umayyads were overthrown by the Abbasids in 750 CE. Then, Abbasid Dynasty established its rule.


Do you know, What was the capital of the Abbasid dynasty?

The Abbasids shifted their capital from Damascus to Baghdad. The Islamic culture became very popular in the first century of the Abbasids dynasty. The Abbasids developed a strong bureaucracy to conduct the huge empire�s empire. They learned the decimal system and zero from India, trigonometry, and geometry from the Greeks and astronomy from the Persians.


Do you know, Who was Harun al-Rashid?

Harun al-Rashid was a caliph in Baghdad. He was one of the most famous rulers of the Abbasids dynasty. During the Abbasids dynasty, the Arab culture was vibrant and flourished in areas such as art, literature, science, and trade.


Do you know the name of the famous scientists and physicians during the Abbasids dynasty?

Al Razi and Ibn Sina were great scientists and physicians. The Caliph Al-Mamun set up a �House of Wisdom� at Baghdad for the translation of the works from the Greek, Chinese, Indian, Egyptian civilization into Arabic.


Let us learn about some of the famous Persian writers.

There were some famous Persian writers also like Omar Khayyam and Firdausi. Omar Khayyam wrote the Rubiyat and Firdausi wrote the Shah Namah.


End of the Abbasid Dynasty


The reign of the Abbasids lasted for more than five centuries. After that, Baghdad was captured by the Turks from Central Asia in 1258 CE. In 1453 CE, they conquered Constantinople and renamed it Istanbul.


Abbasid Dynasty - MCQs


1. Which of the following were not the Caliphs?
a) Abu-Bakr
b) Umar
c) Usman
d) Harun-al-Rashid

2. The capital of the Kingdom of Caliphs was called �.?
a) Damascus
b) Palestine
c) Baghdad
d) Caliphate

3. Which of the following is not the holy city of Muslims?
a) Mecca
b) Medina
c) Jerusalem
d) Syria

4. Who wrote Shah Namah?
a) Omar Khayyam
b) Umar
c) Harun al- Rashid
d) Firdausi

5. What was the capital of the Abbasids dynasty?
a) Istanbul
b) Syria
c) Damascus
d) Baghdad


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