67 Crazy SMS Marketing Statistics You Should Know for Brand Promotion

SMS is the most popular channel for consumers due to its opt-in process being easy. SMS notifications are more immediate than push notifications sent from an app and aren't hidden in your email inbox. The SMS channel is a long-lasting channel. The website you're on is not a permanent channel since the moment a visitor goes away from your site, without recording any of their details and they're gone. Let us go through some surprising SMS marketing statistics to understand the benefits, trends, and usage of SMS marketing.


SMS marketing solutions are an effective marketing tool since you can engage with their time and time again in a more strategic manner. In addition, you are the owner of the channel (an owned telephone number) the similar to how you control marketing assets such as your website. This is what makes SMS marketing an all-in since you and the channel are both owned by you and it's a recurring channel.


The numbers do not lie. Marketing via text messages is, without a doubt, the most effective marketing channel. the highest rate of engagement of any channel for marketing. Additionally, text message marketing can be as efficient as it can be in terms of timing of delivery and time of response.


The SMS method of marketing offers the most efficient method to reach more than 5 billion users who receive and send texts around the globe. This is because it's quick practical, easy to use, and universal.

SMS Marketing Statistics


  1. 75% of customers are happy to receive SMS messages from companies as provided they have opted-in to messaging.
  2. 64% of consumers believe companies should be contacting them through text messages more frequently.
  3. 75% of customers want to receive text messages with special deals.
  4. 75% of customers are extremely frustrated when they cannot respond to text messages from a company due to the limitations of specific types of texts tools.
  5. 56% of the people who were polled would prefer to message the business rather than call customer service.
  6. 67% of respondents prefer to communicate via text with an organization about appointments and scheduling rather than via telephone or email.
  7. 59% of phone users want their communication to be integrated into their phone and not as an additional app that they'll need to download.
  8. 77% of customers are likely to have a positive opinion of a business that provides SMS.
  9. About 80 percent of customers prefer to keep track of their purchases via text messages when they received their products. Move on to next SMS marketing statistics.
  10. 83% of millennials read texts within 90 seconds after getting them.
  11. 75% of millennials use SMS messages for deliveries or promotions as well as surveys.
  12. People are more likely to read text messages prior to any other kind of mobile messaging.
  13. The preferred methods to get updates from brands include- SMS: 48%; Email: 22%; App alerts: 20%; Direct mail: 8%
  14. SMS messages are open at a 98% rate, compared to just 20 percent of emails.
  15. The typical response time for legitimate emails is approximately 90 minutes. This is in contrast to the time of 90 seconds to text messages.
  16. Just 10 percent of SMS messages for marketing are considered spam in comparison to 49.7 percent of emails.
  17. The response rate for SMS marketing through text messages is 45%, as compared to the email response rate of 6.6%.
  18. The majority of hyperlinks contained in texts are clicked, compared with 22% of links found in emails.
  19. SMS messages have an average click-through rate of 36%. In contrast, click-through rates for emails are low at 3.4 percent.
  20. In the case of sales, the majority of leads prefer to be sent text messages as opposed to being spoken to via phone.
  21. 55% of people prefer SMS reminders for appointments in comparison to 35% who prefer email reminders.
  22. 98% of Sent Text Messages are read. Are these SMS marketing statistics convincing you to start using text based marketing for your brand? Read more...
  23. SMS messages come with an increased 209% response rate than phone or email or Facebook.
  24. It takes only approximately 90 seconds for someone to respond to an SMS message.
  25.  90 percent of SMS messages can be read within three minutes after they are received.
  26. The rate of response to SMS is within 15 minutes following the delivery: Retail: 32%; Betting & Trading: 33%; Entertainment: 37%; Travel & Transportation: 54%; Finance & Banking: 57%.
  27. The sending of reminders for business appointments to clients via SMS decreased the number of missed appointments by 26 percent.
  28. 91% of people who sign-up to receive messages from a company view those texts as "somewhat helpful" or "very helpful".
  29. 31% of respondents take part in SMS surveys and have the typical response of fewer than six mins.
  30. SMS can result in engagement rates that are six to eight times greater than the rates that the average retailer can achieve with email marketing.
  31. 48 percent of Internet users said that they prefer receiving their loyalty-related messages through SMS.
  32. The customers who receive marketing SMS messages are 40 percent more likely to make a purchase than those who do not.
  33. SMS can result in engagement rates that are six to eight times more than what the typical email marketing, when it is employed for data collection, or brand recognition.
  34. Coupons that are delivered by SMS are redeemable at 10 times greater than coupons printed.
  35. 95% of consumers believe they've gained value through SMS loyalty programs.
  36. 83% of marketers promoting email subscriptions via SMS said it was "very effective/effective."
  37. The use of short, branded, and customized links in mobile marketing campaigns can increase conversions by as much as 34%, which is the reason we suggest using an URL shortener, such as Rebrandly.
  38. Ninety-six percent of marketers rate mobile welcome messages as "very efficient/effective" or "somewhat efficient."
  39. 77% of customers indicated that they had signed up for messages from a company's SMS to get coupons or special offers.
  40. 33% of customers have said that they signed up to the text messages of a brand for access to more relevant information.
  41. 41% of people have said that they didn't sign up for the text messages of a brand due to the fact that they didn't offer relevant information.
  42. The majority of consumers from the US prefer text messages over phone calls to provide customer service.
  43. More than half of customers prefer to reach support via text message as opposed to all other popular communications channels.
  44. 70% of people would prefer to use mobile messaging to solve problems.
  45. 68% of customers prefer using mobile messaging to reach companies with billing queries or other concerns.
  46. 71% of consumers use text messaging to interact with businesses proved to be effective.
  47. 97% of businesses found that they were able to communicate with customers more efficiently following the introduction of initiatives to text.
  48. 39% of companies use one form of texting in order to interact with their clients.
  49. In comparison to 2016 when 23 percent more people are expected to opt-in to receive text messages from businesses in 2020.
  50. 7 million customers will opt to receive messages from businesses in 2020. Isn't this an astonishing SMS marketing statistics.
  51. A majority of marketers do not use SMS. If you get started now, you'll be at the cutting-edge.
  52. Despite the statistics on SMS marketing that show that the effectiveness of SMS marketing, however, over 65% of businesses do not have any formal plan in place for bulk SMS messages in order to maximize the time we use our phones.
  53. According to polls, in 2020, around 85% of interactions between customers and brands will be conducted without speaking.
  54. The use of SMS for marketing was up 197% in the method for B2B marketing between 2015 and 2017.
  55. Despite the SMS growth 61% of companies aren't yet embracing the platform.
  56. 73% of businesses believe that their marketing budgets for SMS to increase by 2020.
  57. 60% of people believe that businesses should reach them more frequently via SMS.
  58. 75% of customers want to receive text messages with special discounts.
  59. The use of SMS-based marketing increased by 197% for a tool for B2B marketing between 2015 and 2017.
  60. 4.5x of consumers are likely to reply to text messages.
  61. In the age group 18-34 that is 18-34, text messaging is the most popular method of receiving messages from companies.
  62. 60% fewer agents needed to be employed due to automated SMS.The younger generation prefers receiving texts from companies to remind them of appointments (62 percent) and delivery notifications (59 percent) as well as payment reminders (48 percent).
  63. SMS can cut down on missed appointments by 80%.
  64. Financial services can significantly increase their rates of collection and decrease the involvement of their customer service departments by 60% by using SMS.
  65. Two-way SMS can boost the net promoter score and boost efficiency by around 80percent.
  66. SMS alerts aid financial brands to engage the consumer's emotions while decreasing financial stress.
  67. 23 billion text messages are sent every day across the globe.


Read More: SMS Marketing: Benefits of Text Marketing and How To Do it?

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